(915) 239-7409 stpaulsmarfatx@gmail.com


The leadership of St. Paul’s is prayerfully and thoughtfully exploring how our congregation can safely resume in-person, on-campus worship. We are crafting a plan that will be submitted to the Bishop’s office for approval. We are carefully accounting for the Bishop’s guidance, as well as the guidance of the CDC and local public health and medical officials. We want to hear from you as another important source of input. Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey.



This address will receive a confirmation email


When we are able to hold services in-person again, how soon do you plan to return?

  • As soon as the doors are open-VII
  • After a few weeks, when I have seen how things go–III
  • When there are no more limitations on the numbers of people that can gather-I
  • When a vaccine is made available–II
  • When there are no more limitations-I
  • Other

If other, please explain Optional

If a vaccine is not available, than when I feel it is safe to bring my elderly mother with me

When I am confident that everyone is ready to handle the health restrictions we will be putting in place if they come —which could be as soon as the doors open.

I think Ella and myself would go the first week, Marci and Isaac after a few weeks

  • When I learn more about the procedural safeguards, such as:  1. Requirement to wear masks; 2. Whether singing will be encouraged, hence raising risk of exposure; 3. Whether hymnals and Book of Common Prayer will be shared; 4. Level of social distancing/seating distribution; (5) Number of people allowed to attend at each service, etc.

How often do you think you will participate in a worship service physically at the church?

  • Weekly-XI
  • Every other week – I
  • Once a month
  • Every other month
  • Christmas/Easter/Special Events-I
  • Other

If other, please explain Optional

Because we will initially be limited in the size of allowable gatherings, wed like to know which service you would be most likely to attend:

Saturday 5 pm-II

Sunday 10:30 am-VII


If other, please tell us if there’s a better day/time that would work for you or your family. Optional

Either of the above, depending on my schedule that week.

Both times work for us

Sunday 10:30 am OR AS NEEDED to lector on Saturday

When I am confident that everyone is ready to handle the health restrictions we will be putting in place if they come —which could be as soon as the doors open.

both times work for us

If you normally come to the Sunday 10:30 am service, would you be 

willing to come to a service you dont normally attend in order to spread out the number of people at each service?

  • Yes-V
  • No
  • I would consider it-IV

How important is receiving Eucharist (Communion) to your decision to come back to church? We are currently working on how to safely go about this.

  • Very important-VII
  • Somewhat important-II
  • Not important-I
  • Comments

Eucharist is important but not necessary. I would happily drink wine out of a paper cup, and maybe an oyster cracker shaken out of a bag into my hand.

How many people from your household would attend a service? Please use a numeral (1, 2, 3) 





If you wished to attend worship in person, would you bring your own mask or need one provided?    ____________________

We have our own-VIII

Most likely bring a bandana to use as a mask, use one provided if we forgot

Are you in one of the groups that the CDC and health experts have identified as higher risk for serious health issues from COVID-19? For example, those with compromised immune systems, liver disease, asthma, etc.

  • Yes-VI
  • No-III
  • No, but someone in my household is-II
  • Comment

I am not in need of pastoral or other care.

Have you participated in one of our online worship services in the last several weeks?

  • Yes-X
  • No
  • Comments

I have looked at the online services but not all of them. I really do not feel spiritually fed that way. I read morning prayer every day.

  • No, but I would like to-I

If you have not yet participated in online worship, please briefly tell us why. Optional

Would any of the activities below help support your spiritual well-being? Click all that apply. Optional

Online prayer group-IV

Online bible study-VI

Regular phone calls-II

De facto, am doing this through Taize and our book study and our Rule of Love


If other, please explain Optional


Is there any other input you want to offer to the Bishop’s Committee as we continue to prayerfully consider our next steps? Optional

I just want us to be safe. We have come this far and with everything opening-up it makes me nervous.  I think there will be more break outs across the country.  I feel as if it has just gotten to our area and we already have people streaming in from all over the country. Because it has just arrived here, I feel that there will be many more coming down with it.

I’ve been having this thought and I don’t know if it’s possible. That being said, I’m simply going to pass it on. St. Paul’s has a wonderful, big front yard. Why don’t we do a service out there? Our weather would allow it and it would be easy to stay 6 ft. apart. Understand that I am not wedded to this idea. I don’t know how we would do the Eucharist, and you would definitely need a mic so that we could hear you.  I’m thinking ditch the hospitality hour. We could simply rejoice in being together again.

Weather permitting, it would be nice to conduct a service outside from time to time, not as a complete but as an occasional opportunity. 

No, but you have my prayers


Responses to the survey

  1. On the issue of “returning to public worship”, my doctor friends say an

emphatic “No” to “opening up” w/o PPE & soc’l distancing along w/

comprehensive govt testing & track/trac-ing UNTIL there is a reliable

vaccination. I concur & don’t think ppl should needlessly be asked to

take risks:  the PRC/westcoast virus is less virulent that eastcoast/EU

mutation. A friend, who served as a long-term laca hospital pathologist,

says to plan on two years @ least. ….. I urge you & st paul to follow best practices. 

  1. ….Now that we have our 1st. confirmed case of the virus in Presidio country, I’m going to be paying close attention to what happens with the numbers. By virtue of being 77, I’m in a high risk category. Additionally, when I get an upper respiratory infection, I get really sick and it usually takes me a month to get over it. If our numbers of people contracting the virus stay low, I will return and while I prefer Sunday at 10:30 a.m., I would certainly be willing to help by attending at another time. I’ll bring my own mask and may wear gloves as well. If there is a safe way to receive the Eucharist, I would like that, but not being able to receive the Eucharist would not prevent me from attending. Jackie had also sent me an earlier email suggesting we hold outdoor services.

I’ve been having this thought and I don’t know if it’s possible. That being said, I’m simply going to pass it on. St. Paul’s has a wonderful, big front yard. Why don’t we do a service out there? Our weather would allow it and it would be easy to stay 6 ft. apart. Understand that I am not wedded to this idea. I don’t know how we would do the Eucharist, and you would definitely need a mic so that we could hear you.  I’m thinking ditch the hospitality hour. We could simply rejoice in being together again
